Comments and Memories of Tiwone Zvikonyaukwa


My thoughts on Tiwone............She was an incredibly strong lady in the Lord and had a prophetic ministry to deliver to the people of Gwayi.

She did want to hear from the Lord more clearly and on our recent trip in July she had a dream that worried her. She dreamt that she was on a mountain top and someone was calling for her to come over. There was a woman standing with her who told her she could not go because she had missed the bus. She awoke deeply disturbed and asked us what she should make of it. We told her to ask the Lord to explain the dream, and He did by giving her yet another dream the following night.

This time she dreamt that she was in a garden with lots of fertile soil. She was ready to plant seeds because the ground was so ready but a woman appeared and told her that is was not time. She could not understand this and questioned the woman. She replied emphatically that She would tell Tiwone when it was ready for sowing seeds. When we got together to pray about her dreams we all felt that someone had been sent on an assignment against Tiwone's spiritual growth. She was so hungry to be clean and pure and blameless before the Lord so we prayed for her and the Lord really opened up a lot of stuff in the spirit over her life. When she was under the anointing of the Holy Spirit that day she cried out......eeeeeesch. We all had a good old laugh because she always said that when she was happy. She and Jasper were starting to reach out to the settlers and were thinking about planting a church in the future.

With regards to her work with the children she was amazing. She taught them about Jesus and His love for them and this was good news. She treated them with such care and we know that this is rare. She loved the people of God and the things of the Lord and was always waiting for something from the Lord, a word , direction or encouragement.

She has planted a huge amount of seeds in the lives of many people at Gwayi and even before she died she saw the fruit of her labour in Anna's life and Conwell, IN DIXON, our chef whom she convinced one night with much earnest talk which we could not understand to give his life to the Lord, and also Nyati, our security guard and his assistant , Innocence.

WE just trust that her life was not in vain, and that many will come into the Kingdom. Her life was like a sacrifice so that others could come in.

-Natalia Nel, Cape Town, South Africa  November 9, 2003

I don't know quite what to say here. Tiwone's passing came as a shock to those of us here in the USA. Imagining the mission project in Gwayi without her is difficult and painful . I count myself very fortunate/blessed to have shared a friendship with her. Tiwone was a real sweetheart! She loved and served everyone around her with grace and an always-present comforting smile. Her faithfulness to God, her husband Jasper, and the community of Gwayi was impossible to hide. I will personally miss hearing her sing in the church. But, praise be to God because Tiwone has now entered His rest and I am sure she has been received with a joyful "well done, good and faithful servant" from our Lord Jesus. We will miss you Tiwone until we see you again................soon. 

-Todd Martin, October 29, 2003

When I first arrived in Zimbabwe and met Tiwone she was so excited to meet Todd's wife. She had spent time with Todd on his previous trip to Africa and had looked forward in anticipation to his return with his wife. Tiwone was so accepting from the moment I arrived and made me feel so welcomed. She had a servant's heart and looked after all of our needs. I'll never forget making trips to the school or church in a "very" packed mini van with Tiwone and Jefta always on her lap. It was always fun trying to get Jefta to smile at all us silly Americans!  Tiwone had a very gentle and kind spirit and her graciousness is etched in my mind as something I'll never forget during my time in Africa.

-Jerilynn Martin, November 17

My heart is so sad for those she left behind, but praise God that she is with Jesus, dining at His Banquet Table.  She was an incredible woman.  She was soft spoken, firm, and had such a servant heart.  I am just so grateful for her help with VBS when we were there in 2002.  I'm grateful to have had the opportunity to know her.

-Jenifer Swanson, 28 October 03

ROCK of Africa Mission is a relief outreach of the World Bible Society a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.

"Sympathy is no substitute for action." - Dr. David Livingstone

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