On July 4, 2001 the Harvest Crusade came to Gwayi River,
Zimbabwe -- via the Internet.
July 2001, ROCK of Africa Mission welcomed outreach teams from
ROCKharbor Church in Costa Mesa, California and El Shadai Christian
Center in Cape Town, South Africa. Our California visitors wanted to
share a hometown Southern California evangelistic event, the Harvest
Crusade, with the people of Gwayi River by trying to access the live
broadcast using the Internet. In rural Zimbabwe this could be quite
a task, but recently a handful of small cell phone towers had been
installed along the main tourist route from South Africa to Victoria
Falls, and one happened to be within reach of Gwayi River.
The Southern California Harvest Crusade was being held at Edison
International Field, home of the Anaheim Angels major league
baseball team, in Anaheim, CA. The event was scheduled for 7pm local
time (California) -- which was 4am on July 5 in Zimbabwe.
the evening of July 4, the village of Gwayi River met for a prayer
meeting and was invited to return at 4am to "attend" the
evangelistic event in California using a laptop computer connected
by cell phone to the Internet. We had no idea how the village would
respond, but everyone went home for a few hours of sleep.
Gwayi River, Zimbabwe is a very rural village of small huts, mostly
mud and thatch construction. Because July is winter in Zimbabwe
(Southern Hemisphere), the nights and early mornings are quite
chilly. Without heat or electricity, and in spite of 40 o F
temperatures, the village of Gwayi River responded in a big way.
By 4 am fifty people had assembled outside Gwayi River Church.
Three wood fires were blazing and a large kettle of tea (approx 5
gallons) was steaming away on one of the open fires. Some young
people had arrived as early as 3am. We handed out blue sweaters
donated by a manufacturing company in South Africa to all who
attended. After discussing the event, we showed an introductory
video about the Harvest Crusade on the laptop computer.
There was much excitement and the spirit of the Lord was clearly
evident throughout the crowd. Worship and praise broke out in the
bright moonlight. We were "one in Jesus" with the crowd filling a
stadium half a world away.
We had no electricity, no
television and no telephone, but using a cell phone and a laptop
computer we attempted to access the Harvest Crusade through an
Internet connection, first in Zimbabwe, then South Africa. Because
of our very remote location we had difficulty with the connection,
eventually using the text of the event to deliver the entire
message. The batteries went dead prematurely -- but it really did
not matter.
The Lord moved in that tiny little village in
the heart of Zimbabwe on that cold African winter morning and it had
a powerful impact on all attending.
Greg Laurie's July 4 message "Hope for America" could not have
been more appropriate. Zimbabwe is a country with enormous
difficulty. With over one-quarter of the adult population infected,
the AIDS virus is threatening to exterminate an entire generation.
With this preventable disease destroying the country, the hope for
America is truly the hope for Zimbabwe. The clear message that
there is HOPE IN JESUS is exactly what the struggling nation of
Zimbabwe needs right now.
We are grateful to all who help us
share the vital message of hope. We are very grateful to Greg Laurie
and Harvest for providing live Internet webcasts of the Harvest
Crusade that could now reach all the way to Africa.
people of Gwayi River will likely never step a foot on US soil, but
they shared in what God was doing halfway around the world. They
understand they are a part of a moving of God that is much bigger
than the village of Gwayi River, Zimbabwe. It is a clear example how
God uses extraordinary technology to do extraordinary things. The
ROCK of Africa Mission and the village of Gwayi River will never
forget the day the Harvest Crusade came to Africa.
For more
information on the Harvest Crusade visit